Reflexology for Fertility

Reproductive Reflexology

Reproductive Reflexology (or Reproflexology™) can be used as a stand-alone treatment to enhance your natural fertility, or with all forms of assisted conception including Clomid, IUI, IVF and ICSI. It can also be used to support individuals and couples using surrogacy or donors in IVF cycles.

Just relax, right?

The chances are, if you are reading this page, you've heard that and other useful phrases several or a hundred times and you are about at the end of your proverbial tether.

Fertility treatments can be expensive, have long waiting lists, create additional stress and more often than not these days, come with very little emotional support.

The fact is, there are many medical interventions, lifestyle changes and natural therapies that you can try. It's the problem solving and narrowing down those solutions that will work best for you, on your particular journey. That is the important part.

As a trained Reproductive Reflexologist, I offer more than just physical reflexology. I have an in-depth training in causes in fertility issues for both men and women, medical tests undertaken and interpretation of, diet and nutrition affecting fertility and medical intervention processes.

This is a field I am passionate about. I've been there. I've experienced the difficulties and the pressure. I get it.

Conception and pregnancy can be a complicated and little understood process. Each journey is unique, whether easy or difficult. There is a vast amount of often contradictory information and advice out there and finding your own path through can be a minefield and often overwhelming.

Reproductive Reflexologists

What we do

Members of the Association of Reproductive Reflexologists (MARR) are specially trained, to carry out treatments to enhance natural fertility and support couples through all phases of their assisted conception programme.

  • We use specific & prescriptive treatment protocols to address fertility health for both men and women.

  • We aim to regulate menstrual cycles and ensure that each stage is functioning at its best.

  • We aim to improve sperm production and functionality.

  • We aim to assist any underlying conditions – male or female.

  • We use structured and prescriptive treatment protocols supporting all forms of assisted conception.

  • It is one of the most effective forms of integrated medicine using results from medical testing to measure improvements.

For further details on the Association of Reproductive Reflexologists and to find me on their search facility visit:

For me, there is no greater privilege than being a part of an individual or couple's journey to parenthood. I will always remember the day that one of my client's sent me the news of her pregnancy. She had come to me with menstrual cycle issues including irregular painful periods from her endometriosis. We spent time regulating her cycles and balancing her hormones. She conceived easily and naturally following this.

If you are interested in reflexology for fertility with me, for yourself and/or your partner, get in touch and we will tailor a package to suit your needs. I don't charge an inflated hourly rate for reproductive reflexology as some specialist fertility treatments do. I want to support you in your journey and create a relaxed, safe and encouraging space for you to nurture your fertility, naturally.

My Journey

We went down the IVF route. Costly, time consuming, stress inducing, hopeful, then soul destroying. I self-injected. I bloated and I bruised. I felt exhausted. We had a lot of tricky conversations. There were sleepless nights, there were tears. We made embryos. Our embryos failed. We made more embryos.

Later, having put an endless amount of conversations, test results, comments and research together, I made a rather crushing self-diagnosis. I pushed for an MRI scan and it was confirmed that I had a Caesarean Scar Defect. Quite a large one actually. A largely unheard of issue that affects rather too many women with secondary infertility. My little world crumbled. Dramatically.

No amount of reflexology was going to solve this particular issue, so off to London for a rather expensive private operation to correct my defect, rarely carried out in the U.K.

We had spent £1000s and £1000s by this point. The statistics for the correction looked hopeful. We had frozen embryos safely stored away.

Three more embryos transferred later and still nothing. Heart breaking just doesn't describe it.

18 months on and we continue our journey. After more research and conversations with experienced surrogates, we are looking at surrogacy. Watch this space.

My daughter was conceived easily, within a few months. My pregnancy straight forward. So when my birth plan changed drastically from the natural, no drugs, earth mother fantasy to a planned caesarean -section, because my baby was breech, my little world crumbled. Just a little. That was back in 2010. I had no idea.

Having always yearned for a large family and siblings for my daughter, I wasn't expecting any issues when trying to conceive with my partner.

For the first 12 or so months, we "relaxed". Trying naturally with a fairly healthy lifestyle and the usual advice that it would take a bit longer due to my age etc.

We had the regular tests through our G.P. No issues.

The months and years started to accelerate. The useful advice from "specialists" increased - "Go home and get drunk over Christmas, loads of women have babies in their 40s in this area"

I searched, I bought and read books, I added supplements, I tried yoga, acupuncture, mindfulness. Even reflexology didn't do the trick for me. (not a good advert, I know, but bare with me)

Why am I sharing all this with you?

Because I know i's hard. I know how lonely it can be and what a private subject we sometimes make it, unable to explain why we are so unlike our usual selves . Feelings of inadequacy, failure and despair are all too familiar when it comes to fertility. I want to find the positives. I, myself am going to need help from someone special. I want to support and encourage and help as many want-to-be parents as I can with the wealth of knowledge and experience I have accumulated both personally and through my work. I want to promote acceptance and inclusion, whichever route we take to parenthood.